It’s Over

[ 03. 31. 16 ]

Well, I knew it’d be over pretty quick.

I’m not talking about anything related to love, I’m talking about my channel.

I thought I could actually continue this “channel” of mine. I thought I was finally doing something I was scared of doing. I was finally being brave.

But then, everything just goes downhill.

I’m a very shy person, incase you haven’t known, that’s why when I thought about it, it felt like this whole YouTube thing was kind of a joke to me. Why would I do that when I know in myself that I couldn’t? I couldn’t bring myself to watch what I filmed, let alone upload it for the whole internet world to see.

It’s sad that I’m still shy, sad that I still can’t be brave enough to do what I wish to do. Maybe it’s not yet the time, maybe I’m just too young. Overall, I’m both happy and sad that this YouTube thing of mine will come to an end.

It was fun while it lasted.

Well, that’s what I think.


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